The Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh

St. Ann Catholic Church and
All Souls Mission

Edenton, North Carolina

"The Lord is in His Holy Temple.
Let all the earth keep silence before Him."

HAB 2:20

From the Shepherd and the Sheep:



Jubilee: God's Invitation to You this Year

Seminarian Robert Lane

Mass & Confession Schedule

Saint Ann Catholic Church
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00 pm / Hall
Sunday 8:30 am / Hall
10:00 am Church +
12:30 pm Spanish / Church
Weekday Daily Mass Schedule:
Tuesday ~ Friday 9:00 am Daily Mass


All Souls Mission
Saturday: 7:00 pm

Confession at Saint Ann Church
Reconciliation is available from
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
on Saturdays or by appointment.
Confessions at All Souls
Saturday; 6:30 pm - 6:50 pm

Latest Bulletins

Our Mission Statement

Responding to our Savior’s call to share the experience of salvation, we - the community of St. Ann Catholic Church, Edenton and All Souls Mission, Columbia - strive to be faithful missionary disciples in Jesus Christ, sharing His love with one another, in word and sacraments.

Live Streams

“Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.”

Saint Catherine of Siena

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Meet Our Staff

People in the Service

Very Rev. Jairo A. Maldonado-Pacheco, V.F

Rev. Mr. Frank Jones

Michelle Benavides
Administrative Assistant

Seminarian Robert Lane
Pastoral Year Intern

Julie Shreckengast
Choir Director

Kathy Masters
Dir. of Faith Formation

our services

St. Ann Parish History

Completed in 1858 St Ann is the oldest structure in the diocese in continual use as a Catholic Church.

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Latest Messages

From the Pastor and the sheep

Jubilee: God's Invitation to You this Year

Through the Church, we find ourselves in the same position as those lucky few in that synagogue in Galilee 2,000 years ago. We find in front of us the same declaration of jubilee by the same saving God. Holy Mother Church, The Body through which God works, addresses the entire people of God around the world and institutes in 2025 another jubilee year.

Seminarian Robert Lane
Death, New Life, and the Gift of Time

The Paschal mystery of Christ, by contrast, cannot remain only in the past, because by his death he destroyed death, and all that Christ is - all that he did and suffered for all men - participates in the divine eternity, and so transcends all times while being made present in them all.

Seminarian Robert Lane
The Battleground of your Heart: 4 Questions to Preserve your Peace this Election

We find ourselves immersed in societies of serial consumers who live from day to day, dominated by the hectic pace and bombarded by technology, lacking in the patience needed to engage in the processes that an interior life by its very nature requires.

Seminarian Robert Lane

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